Energetic Balancing with SuperDetox Bioresonance Therapy
Well-recognised forms of Bio energetic balancing therapies include: Homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies, Acapuncture, Reiki and Shiatsu. The prinicple of Bio-energetic balancing is that the body retains a quantum energetic memory of everything it has experienced, both positive and negative. Driven by a laptop with the latest ground breaking software, bioresonance therapy is also described as Computer Based Energetic Balancing.
What is Bioresonance Therapy and how does it work?
All material is made up of atoms, whether it is a food, a poison, a virus, bacteria, or an animal or human being. Atoms are broken down into even smaller subatomic particles. Subatomic particles behave like energy and radiate energy into their surroundings in specific patterns, called waves. It is possible to analyse the distinct wave patterns, or oscillations, of healthy functioning body parts as well as the oscillations of pathogens such as viruses, poisons and toxins.
If Bioresonance is new to you, you may be surprised to learn that well-known medical procedures which use oscillations such as electrocardiography (ECG) which measures heart currents, and electroencephalography (EEG) which measures brain vibrations and imaging studies using MRI are all based on magnetic resonance patterns just like Bioresonance.
A healthy person/organ will be resonating at the correct rate, however when there is poor nutrition, stress, toxins or even negative emotions, the body’s healthy resonant patterns become imbalanced or weak. A body without its own health sustaining oscillation, may no longer be able to withstand viruses, bacteria, toxic chemicals and metals, etc. that are commonly exposed to the body and have their own resonant patterns. Not only do they act as dangerous substances in the body, but the harmful resonant patterns that radiate from them become energetic stressors leading to ill health.
What is clear to those who are familiar with both biochemistry and with energetic medicine, is that regulation and control is dominated by energetics rather than biochemistry. Metabolic processes, hormone production, growth and regenerating processes are controlled and regulated this way.
If your body systems and organs are influenced by unhealthy vibrations, biochemical and metabolic misdirection and malfunction occur that results in dysfunction, and disease. In bioresonance we erase these disturbed vibrations, or at least weaken them to give the diseased organism a chance to regenerate. The body is designed to heal itself. Using the e-Lybra® a wide variety of energetic bioresonance patterns are offered to the body, via the wrist and ankle bands. Patterns that are useful to the body are utilised whilst unnecessary patterns simply pass through. The body will only accept patterns it needs. In this way the e-Lybra® scans and balances the body, kick starting its own healing process, helping nature heal.
These waves of energy or bioresonance patterns can either add or subtract energy from each other. Research over the past several decades shows that the electromagnetic profile of harmful substances can be cancelled out by sending the opposite oscillations into the body.
Sending healing resonance patterns to strengthen or negate the electromagnetic profile of a particular person is the basis for Bioresonance therapy which has been used in Europe since the 1970’s. In fact this healing modality has become the number one holistic tool in Germany. It has been used by the Russian Armed Forces to combat alcoholism and drug addiction, has been sent into Space to promote the health of Cosmonauts an is used by many International Sports Teams to overcome injury and speed up the healing process.
So in conclusion, the body is an electromagnetic field that can transmit and receive electromagnetic oscillations. You cannot see the electromagnetic oscillations with the naked eye, just as you cannot see the heat that your body emits. . However, each part of your body emits its own particular oscillation or bioresonance pattern. These patterns together form your total bioresonance pattern spectrum. The energy patterns of your body may also be altered by a virus, poison, toxin, injury or even emotional injury. When you are sick, oscillation of the pathogens inside your body and energetic field can interfere with your oscillation image. Sick organs do not oscillate harmoniously. Using the bioresonance machine disharmonious bioresonance patterns can be diminished or even eliminated by their inversion. Healthful oscillations can be amplified for healing. Restoring your body back to its natural healthy balance.
*Results may vary from person to person
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