How We Stopped Smoking with SuperDetox Bioresonance Therapy
Doing really well! No cravings and feel great!
Its like magic. From smoking 20 a day for almost 20 years to nothing in the space of an hour or two is magical. Lay back, relax and let the magic
happen. It really works! I've not been tempted to smoke since and its been over two years. Thanks Victoria, myself, my wife and kids are very grateful.
Adam Cole. Key 103 DJ Manchester
Watch Tom's amazing story of quitting after 60 years and the surprising added bonus
Just a little note to say I am still free from cigarettes. Had a night out on Saturday with a room full of smokers and I didn’t sway once. I have a thought about fags because I used to smoke and have been in my life for god knows how long, but no interest in smoking.
James has cut down with a huge amount cos he doesn’t have a pal to smoke with.
Thank you for giving me my life back.
Michelle McCarthy
Hope you are well. I am now on 6 months since this bank holiday Monday, without even a sniff of a cigarette, thanks again.
Tom Niessen
I tried bio-resonance therapy to quit smoking and it worked instantly! This was back in May 2006. I was recommended to try the therapy by a friend. Although this was not with Victoria the process was much the same except there was no after therapy support. I instantly felt better having been a heavy smoker of up to 20 a day for ten years. I noticed my sense of smell and taste were better and I lost my smokers cough within a month.
Unfortunately within 6 months I started smoking as I was under a lot of pressure at work and assumed that smoking would ease the stress….it didn’t!
I found myself booking up the therapy again within one month of starting smoking. I was referred to Victoria by Tim the previous therapist as he had then relocated to Spain.
I found Victoria much better as to start she was able to visit my house at no additional charge. The therapy once again worked without cravings and I felt I was back on track and ready for a smoke free life…..about another 6 months later I was on holiday with four others who all smoked and in a moment of drunken stupidity I decided to smoke one evening. For the rest of the holiday I kidded myself thinking I would be able to quite again at the end of the holiday. I was wrong. I found myself smoking more and more each weekend while drunk and within 6 weeks I was back to at least 15 cigarettes a day.
Third time lucky….I had the therapy done once again with Victoria. Victoria suggested I used other aides to assist me such as the ‘E-Capsule’. This seemed to work and it has been four months now and I have no urges to smoke (just like the previous two times!) This time round I will be determined not to trick myself into thinking that the odd cigarettes here or there will do no harm as eventually I will be back to square one. My advice would be to definitely have the therapy but do not fall into the trap of thinking ‘just the one wont’ matter’….
I think I have learnt my lesson this time, best of luck with the business.
Rob Evans, Romford.
(Remember, there is no such thing as ‘one cigarette’ V.W.)
Over the past ten years I have tried several times to stop smoking by using patches, hypnosis, hypnotherapy and it's never worked-only last year I 'resigned' myself to the fact I would always be a smoker and it would be impossible for me to stop. After a referral to Victoria from a good friend I decided to stop being a cynical sceptic and give it a go. I simply had one session in my home and the effect was IMMEDIATE and had no side effects or cravings whatsoever. It has been a month now and all is well. I have saved over £175 and not smoked 600 cigarettes in this time. I still find it all a bit unbelievable and 'too good to be true' but what the heck, IT WORKS
Jason Freeman, Manchester
Dear Victoria,
After 20 cigarettes daily for 53 years I have been smoke free for 29 days! I feel better, smell lovely and am proud of myself. Couldn't have done it without your treatment, many, many thanks, I can recommend you 100%.
Best Wishes Gilly Gerka Bolton
Watch Gilly's video below
I can't thank Victoria enough for my smoking cessation therapy. Although I have an interest in alternative therapies and I read a lot about bioresonance before booking the session and parting with my money, I was still of the "I'll believe it when I see it" frame of mind, but I knew I wasn't interested in NRT or other "mainstream" options so I thought I'd give it a go. But not only did I have to eat those words, but I was absolutely amazed at its effectiveness. I'd only been smoking about 10 roll-ups a day but still wanted to kick the habit as I'd smoked since I was 21 (that's just over 20 years), and Victoria made that happen for me in the space of 90 minutes.
The familiar withdrawal symptoms that I'd experienced when trying to quit before (and which can put you off trying to quit again) just didn't happen, and the only thoughts of smoking that came into my mind were the psychological associations caused by the habit-triggering situations, but they disappeared too after a mere few days and Victoria also offered helpful advice on how to deal with that side of things. I don't even feel like smoking when I'm with friends who smoke (not even for "scientific purposes" to test whether bioresonance works!) and I've recommended bioresonance to them too. I'm actually having to try quite hard not to become one of those annoying/smug ex-smokers, but I don't really care any more as I'm free and anyone else can be too if my experience is anything to go by!
As if that wasn't enough, the bioresonance therapy has had a positive effect on my physical and mental health in general, over and above the benefits from stopping smoking that you'd expect. After a couple of days of (quite pleasant) tiredness while my body got the toxins out of its system, my energy levels soared and I'm absolutely buzzing and feeling happier and healthier than I have for years (having suffered from depression since my early 20s) with a spring in my step and a smile on my face, which I sometimes thought would never happen again. I've also drastically cut down on drinking, which I wasn't especially planning to do, but it's a welcome bonus and means the therapy was even more worth the money!
I also had "black hairy tongue" for years, which no amount of cleaning or scraping would get rid of, and I resigned myself to it being permanent. I actually forgot to look to see whether the bioresonance had done anything to that until a couple of days later when I checked in the mirror, expecting perhaps a slight difference at most to begin with, but to my surprise it had completely cleared up and I now have a perfectly healthy pink tongue! And a healthy tongue means a healthy body, so I'm delighted about that too.
If, like me, you've come as far as reading this page and are still wondering whether bioresonance really will help you stop smoking, I sincerely urge you to make that leap and call Victoria, as I don't think you'll be disappointed, and there's always the backup of the second session at no extra cost, although personally I can't see myself ever needing that.
I'm sure there'll be more benefits to come from my smoke-free life and once again I'd like to say a huge thank you to Victoria. I'm so glad I found you and won't hesitate in recommending you to even more people than I have done already. I feel like singing Victoria's praises from the rooftops, but I hope this testimonial will suffice! Thank you, and long may your excellent work continue.
Sean, Lancashire
I am totally over the moon that you have helped me conquer the smoking addiction. Best Wishes, Charlotte, London.
Having gone 5 weeks without a cigarette I can honestly say without doubt Superdetox works in a way that you wouldn’t believe unless you experienced the process. When you tell people about it they are always sceptical because they cannot appreciate how something so simple can solve such a fatal problem people have on such a massive scale. I have failed giving up smoking many times previously, usually giving into temptation when on a night out drinking alcohol, which makes me fall into my usual smoking patterns once again. I can genuinely say that I haven’t once craved a cigarette since Victoria visited my home and I have in fact found the process surprisingly easy. It is a case that if you are committed to giving up then Superdetox removes the physical difficulties that giving up smoking normally brings. Be open minded and give it a go as it will be the best decision you will ever make!
Jamie, Wilmslow
My name is Sarah and I started smoking when I was 13 years old. I promised my
Mother (after she found out and nearly killed me) that I would stop before I was 30.
Time ticked by and I realised that I only had 7 months left until my 30th!!! I had
Already tried stopping on my own several times over the years, which did not work at all. Friends and family begged me to have a fag because I was so moody and snappy. I was allergic to most of the over the counter or prescriptions so I was running out of ideas.
Then a friend of mine mentioned that her husband and best friend had used something called SuperDetox Bioresonance Therapy and that they’d never smoked since. I sent an email requesting more information. A very nice lady called Victoria called me and we chatted about what was involved. She gave me all the information I needed to convince me that this would work for me. I took some time to think it through then booked an appointment for her to come to my home at the beginning of February 2009.
Victoria had given me some advice on what to do in the days before my appointment. I was so worried about quitting. I could not imagine myself as a non-smoker. I had decided not to tell anyone except my Mom and my friend who had suggested it. I could not cope with the thought of everyone asking me about it and I felt that if I failed that they might judge me.
The day arrived. I woke up and was very nervous. Victoria arrived on time and started to calm me down. I was craving a cigarette now so I was finding it hard to concentrate. She talked me thorough the process and I began to fell a bnit more relaxed. The therapy began.
I did not feel any different really while the therapy was taking place. I did forget about wanting a cigarette and I was very very relaxed. I cannot remember how long the therapy took. I just remember feeling calm and relaxed. After the session was over Victoria gave me a progress chart and some helpful advice about the coming weeks. I was still slightly apprehensive about going to work and seeing friends, as this is when I smoked the most. I did feel more confident knowing that I could could contact Victoria if I had any problems.
Just 3 days after the therapy I cracked, I had a cigarette, I felt so ashamed and so upset. I emailed Victoria and told her what I had done. She emailed me back immediately and told me that she could come back for another session. I agreed to this and asked her to call me. While we chatted on the phone, she asked if I smoked cannabis. I told her that I did not smoke it but a lot of my friends still did. We chatted about how long I had spent with them and whether it was in a confined space. It would appear that I have been passively smoking cannabis for several years now!! Victoria explained that if she had realised I had cannabis smoking history she was have treated me as if I did smoke it and it would have been easier for me.
I’ve now been smoke free since February 2009 (six months). It took me a while to tell people but when I did they were supportive. I try not to count the days since I stopped now so that I can just forget about it. I know that if I’m having a bad day I can email Victoria and she will give me some support. I have noticed considerable improvements to my health already. My nasty cough has gone, my sense of smell has returned and my circulation is improving daily. I would strongly recommend to anyone who wants to stop smoking.
Sarah M. Birmingham.
I want you to know that the stopping smoking has been a complete success. I haven’t experienced any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. I have felt both energetic and positive, as if I have never smoked in my life in fact. This is in spite of Tom still smoking etc. (Tom did not receive a stop smoking session with me. VW) Intriguingly, I can’t smell cigarette smoke as strongly as before (it is almost neutralised to me?!) Although my overall sense of smell has got so much better. The best thing is that I have been able to have coffee at breakfast and the occasional glass of wine with no associated craving for cigarettes.
I really am extremely grateful to you for spending so much time with me; I very much enjoyed meeting you. I feel overjoyed at giving up smoking and don’t miss it all – not that I ever liked it.
C.F. South London
Hi Victoria
Thank you for the session you gave me. I am still not smoking since February 22nd 2008 it is now 11 July 2008. I am not even tempted. I found the first week quite hard, but that was the habit. I felt like I had lost something, or should be smoking after eating etc. After that first initial week I was fine and still going strong. I have tried to quite smoking before and never been successful, and after smoking for 15 years I didn’t think I would ever be able to quit.
My mum did this with me on the same day and had been smoking for 40 years also has not looked back. She was on 20+ a day and VERY addicted. Now she does not want one and feels strong. Her breathing is much better and both of us notice how much our health has improved.
SuperDetox Bioresonance works and I would definitely recommend it.
Thank you
Rachel Davis Peterborough
I stopped smoking after thirty five years. I smoked 20 cigarettes daily. SuperDetox Bioresonance therapy did stop the cravings. I would, and have recommended it to family members and friends. I have been smoke free now for nearly two years, and enjoy 2 holidays a year, with the money I have saved from being a non-smoker.
Thank you
Sylvia Butler Cheshire
Hi Victoria
Its day 9 and I have managed to adapt my head to the smoke free lifestyle. I have no intention of lighting up ever again. Can’t thank you enough.
Much appreciated
Richard Wardman County Durham
Hi Victoria
Sorry I am a bit late emailing you but just wanted to let you know that
I am now on my 38th day without a cigarette and I am
feeling great and very positive. My biggest challenge yet was this
weekend and I was in the company of 5 smokers and I did not at any
point want one even though I was drinking. I really feel that I cannot
imagine myself smoking ever again.
Thank you for your help and support.
Kind Regards
Michelle Biggin Peterborough
HI Viictoria
You visited me back last year. November to help me give up smoking. I have to admit I was slightly sceptical but so glad you came to visit me.
I haven’t looked back since and although the first few days I felt like something in my life was missing I have never been tempted. I have been in numerous stressful situations and social occasions and never felt the need to smoke.
So thank you very much. It was worth every penny
Kind Regard
Vanessa Cozens
Hi Victoria
I just wanted to say thank you very much for your extremely professional detox service.
Having tried everything including patches, hypnotherapy and the NHS stop smoking service I was unable to quit smoking.
However, that has all changed now!! Today I celebrated two weeks without a cigarette, without patches or brainwashing.
I was a little sceptical to start with having experienced so little previous success with other methods and my confidence was low.
However that all changed a fortnight ago when you paid me a visit and carried out your computer detox magic. The treatment was non invasive and completely pain free and your advice precise and realistic and your common sense approach helpful.
The treatment took away the nicotine cravings that I had previously experienced when giving up cigarettes and made breaking the habit extremely easy.
I have recommended your service to so many of my friends already as it really works.
Many thanks again
Kathy, Lancs.
Hi Victoria
Hope you are well and business is going well. My detox has gone really well, I saw you in August and it is now April and have been fine. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending the quit alcohol treatment to anyone. In addition I have not had a cigarette for two and a half years since the bioresonance treatment……this is an achievement as I was on 40 a day!!!
Kindest regards
Steve, Derbyshire.
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